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A forum for nuanced discussion about complex issues relating to arts and culture, theology, and the social sciences.

Please consider becoming a Gleanings Leader or Gleanings Contributor.


Gleanings Leader Responsibilities & Perks Include:

  • attendance at the majority of the monthly events (at least 7 of a total of 10 in a year)
  • leading by example in how to 'glean' by being a pre-designated discussion participant or facilitator

  • participation in at least 1 training session in how to 'glean'

  • actively inviting others to attend and participate in discussions

  • contributing and shaping ideas for discussion topics and helping to communicate and frame the topics

  • morally supportive of Gleanings by having name and short bio on website


Gleanings Contributor Responsibilities & Perks Include:

  • actively inviting others to attend and participate in discussions (if applicable)
  • contributing and shaping ideas for discussion topics and helping to communicate and frame the topics

  • morally supportive of Gleanings by having name and short bio on website

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