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A forum for nuanced discussion about complex issues relating to arts and culture, theology, and the social sciences.
Please consider becoming a Gleanings Leader or Gleanings Contributor.
Gleanings Leader Responsibilities & Perks Include:
- attendance at the majority of the monthly events (at least 7 of a total of 10 in a year)
leading by example in how to 'glean' by being a pre-designated discussion participant or facilitator
participation in at least 1 training session in how to 'glean'
actively inviting others to attend and participate in discussions
contributing and shaping ideas for discussion topics and helping to communicate and frame the topics
morally supportive of Gleanings by having name and short bio on website
Gleanings Contributor Responsibilities & Perks Include:
- actively inviting others to attend and participate in discussions (if applicable)
contributing and shaping ideas for discussion topics and helping to communicate and frame the topics
morally supportive of Gleanings by having name and short bio on website
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