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A forum for nuanced discussion about complex issues relating to arts and culture, theology, and the social sciences.
APRIL 2023
"To Sit Under My Own Vine and Fig Tree" – What ever happened to “live and let live”? When fear of the State limits liberty. Freedom for me but not for you. What exactly is freedom anyway? What do others mean when they use the word?
APRIL 2023
"Human Rights! Right?" - What are they? Where do they come from? Why "human"? Why "rights"? Who gets to decide? When can they be suspended? Are they universal or culturally contextual? What are some examples of human rights?
APRIL 2023
“Spirit, Body, Mind, Soul” - What's the difference? How are they connected or related? What are their limitations and strengths? If the body grows, does the mind as well? What about the soul or spirit? What happens when one is broken? How to heal?
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