Support Artistic Creation. Invest in People. Help Rebuild Community.
Beauty is essential! Art and theatre is important to society, in raising questions, challenging the status quo, reminding us of what's beautiful, connecting us to life's purpose, and exploring difficult subject matter. 9th Hour has a strong history of tackling the big ideas in society and culture, and exploring the tensions they generate, through the magic of theatre and art of story telling. We are excited to share with you what's next for us as a company. Please consider investing in our vision by making a generous tax deductible donation toward producing theatre in our 2022 season. Find out more about how to SUPPORT OUR WORK.

While we spent much of 2021 developing an original artistic work Beauty Will Save the World, we are now rehearsing with over 20 artists to present it to the puiblic at an outdoor venue in the nation's capital this summer. Beauty Will Save the World is a spiritual allegory for our time suitable for the whole family, a seafaring adventure packed with satire, music, action, laughter, and tears, reminding us about the sacred things in life that make life worth living and the importance of passing on beauty to the younger generation.
To successfully produce theatre professionally, we need your help. Like most established theatre companies in Canada, 9th Hour generates less than half of the necessary revenue from ticket sales. As a not-for-profit organization, we are grateful for strong community support, and the generosity of talented artists, volunteers, and patrons, whose dedication allows us to reduce our costs significantly. 9th Hour has a proven track record of producing theatre of recognized excellence without incurring debt or receiving any government funding. We would welcome your generous contribution toward our goal of raising $7,500.

Consider becoming a regular monthly supporter of 9th Hour to help with long term growth and sustainability, or partner with us this season by sponsoring a costume, an artist, or an entire performance. Donations can be made by cheque or online through our page at 9th Hour Theatre Company is a registered Canadian charity, so tax receipts are issued for all donations.