“My finger tips are still tingling from your performance yesterday. In a word, BRILLIANT… a performance that has set a gold bar standard in the world of theatre." (Anne Reid of Spirit Borne)
“What is good about 9th Hour Theatre Company is their unflinching courage to tackle bold and often sensitive subjects… their consistently challenging and artistic story telling that manages to hold up a mirror to its audience, no matter the topic…George Dutch’s dramaturgy combined with the direction of Jonathan Harris produce nothing short of magic…” (Capital Critics Circle)
"I have loved 9th Hour’s productions for the same reason I love allegory: they’re a starting point for talking about potentially divisive matters..." (Convivium)
“We go see plays for a number of reasons. Sometimes, it’s to take refuge from the real world in fiction. Other times it’s to laugh or cry. Still other times, we seek to be blown away, gutted, stung by a story and left to pick up the pieces, one by one, for ourselves. Coupled with good directing and acting, these are the stories that stay with us indefinitely, make us question what we think, and burrow themselves into our very being." (Capital Critics Circle)
“The 9th Hour gang specialize in shows with a religion or faith-based theme, which I freely admit sometimes gives my dully agnostic brain some aches and pains, but usually in a good way." (The Visitorium)

Telling The Story in order to explore, examine, and express the big ideas and questions relating to faith, spirituality, and the human experience.
Accomplishing this primarily through physical ensemble theatre with a special emphasis on the creation, development, and production of original artistic works.

Partner with us in our vision to tell stories that explore, examine, and express the big ideas and questions relating to faith, spirituality, and the human experience. You can do this by volunteering, by making a one time donation, or by becoming a monthly supporter. 9th Hour Theatre Company is a registered Canadian charity so all donations are tax deductible.